Baby is the size of a
Baby this Week
- At Week 39 baby is officially “Full Term” and ready to be born any time.
- Baby’s weight gain continues – though at a slower rate.

How Big is Baby?
Baby is 19.96 inches long (50.7 cm)
(Measured from crown to heel)
Baby weighs 7.25lbs (3288 grams)
*Metrics above are estimates of baby at 39 weeks.

Your Developments
- You might notice changes as your body prepares for delivery – baby might be engaged in the pelvis and Braxton Hicks (mock/rehearsal) contractions might be stronger.
- You may experience noticeable loss of amniotic fluid or the mucous plug may come away.
- Labor can start any time so be familiar with the signs of labor and keep in contact with your health care provider.
Pregnancy To Do’s
- Check if you have done everything you need to do before the birth.
- Continue to get rest.
- Keep in contact with your health care practitioner, particularly if you notice changes in baby’s movements, or signs of labor.