Baby is the size of a
winter melon
Baby this Week
- Week 38 is still technically “Early Term” as baby continues to increase in weight and his or her lungs, liver, and brain continue developing.
- If baby arrives now, he or she should be fine but this last bit of growth is good for baby.

How Big is Baby?
Baby is 19.61 inches long (49.8 cm)
(Measured from crown to heel)
Baby weighs 6.80lbs (3083 grams)
*Metrics above are estimates of baby at 38 weeks.

Your Developments
- Together, you and baby are preparing for birth.
- If this is your first baby, he or she is likely to have dropped down into the pelvis in readiness for birth. But don’t worry if baby has not engaged – especially if this is not your first baby – engagement often does not happen until labor begins.
Pregnancy To Do’s
- Finish any last minute preparations, make sure your hospital bag is ready.
- Perhaps prepare some frozen meals for the early days following baby’s arrival.
- Also make sure you get plenty of rest.