Baby is the size of a
Baby this Week
- All organs and structures have been formed and a period of simple growth begins.
- The fetus is now about 6.3 inches (16cms) long.
- The fetal heartbeat can now be heard with a fetoscope.
- The placenta begins producing the hormone estrogen.

How Big is Baby?
Baby is 6.02 inches long (15.3 cm)
(Measured from crown to rump)
Baby weighs 8.47oz (240 grams)
*Metrics above are estimates of baby at 19 weeks

Your Developments
- Headaches may occur while your body adjusts to changes in blood volume and vascular tone. Stress or emotional tension may also be contributing factors.
Pregnancy To Do’s
- If you’re experiencing headaches try resting with a damp cloth on your forehead.
- Drinking milk and/or eating a small snack can also provide relief for some women.