How's Baby Getting Along?
Baby: You may be able to feel when your baby is awake and sleeping. Baby is now developing blood vessels under the skin and in the lungs.
You have been pregnant for
271,355 | Minutes |
4,522 | Hours |
188 | Days |
6 Months | and 4 Days |
How much time is left?
131,845 | Minutes |
2,198 | Hours |
92 | Days |
13 Weeks | and 1 Day |
3 Months
| and 0 Days |
Counting Tip
Each Saturday you are one week closer to your due date.
How Far Along Am I Summary
How many weeks am I? You are 26 weeks and 6 days.
How many months am I? You are 6 Months and 4 days.
This page is based on the following due date formats:
March 1st, 2025, Mar 1, 2025, 03/1/25, 3/1/2025 - US, CA.
01/03/2025, 1/3/2025 - UK, IN, AU, NZ