How's Baby Getting Along?
Baby: Baby's arms and legs are now in proportion with his or her body.
You have been pregnant for
194,139 | Minutes |
3,235 | Hours |
134 | Days |
4 Months | and 12 Days |
How much time is left?
209,061 | Minutes |
3,485 | Hours |
146 | Days |
20 Weeks | and 6 Days |
4 Months
| and 26 Days |
Counting Tip
Each Saturday you are one week closer to your due date.
How Far Along Am I Summary
How many weeks am I? You are 19 weeks and 1 day.
How many months am I? You are 4 Months and 12 days.
This page is based on the following due date formats:
May 31st, 2025, May 31, 2025, 05/31/25, 5/31/2025 - US, CA.
31/05/2025, 31/5/2025 - UK, IN, AU, NZ