How Far Along Am I?

Start/LMP Date: Jun 4, 2024
Your baby's due Mar 11, 2025.

You are



and 2 days
Today (Jan 30, 2025)

Your Baby is as Big as a

Size of baby: Butternut Squash

Butternut Squash

Your Progress


Baby is due in

5 weeks
and 5 days

Due date calendarfor March 11, 2025

Baby Stats at 34 Weeks

(45 cm)
Crown to Heel Length

4.73 lbs
(2146 grams)

How's Baby Getting Along?

Baby: Your baby has very high chances of survival with extensive post natal care if born now. Your sleeping may be interupted by an active little baby.

You have been pregnant for

346,550 Minutes
5,775 Hours
240 Days
7 Months and 26 Days

How much time is left?

56,650 Minutes
40 Days
5 Weeksand 5 Days
1 Month
and 9 Days

Counting Tip

Each Tuesday you are one week closer to your due date.

How Far Along Am I Summary

How many weeks am I? You are 34 weeks and 2 days.
How many months am I? You are 7 Months and 26 days.

This page is based on the following due date formats:

March 11th, 2025, Mar 11, 2025, 03/11/25, 3/11/2025 - US, CA.
11/03/2025, 11/3/2025 - UK, IN, AU, NZ