Baby is the size of an
apple seed
Baby this Week
- The first body segments appear, which will eventually form the primitive spine, brain and spinal cord.

How Big is Baby?
Baby is 0.12 inches long (0.3 cm)
(Measured from crown to rump)
Baby weighs <0oz (0 grams)
*Metrics above are estimates of baby at 5 weeks

Your Developments
- Breasts may feel tender.
- You may be experiencing some morning sickness.
- Morning sickness occurs because increased hormone activity slows down your digestive system, apparently to enhance the absorption of nutrients for your baby.
- The placenta grows to cover one-fifteenth of the uterine interior.
Pregnancy To Do’s
- Eat a few crackers before getting up in the morning.
- Frequent, small, low-fat meals during the day should also help if you are feeling any nausea.