Baby is the size of
swiss chard
Baby this Week
- Nearly fully grown, baby is technically “Early Term” – with excellent chances if born now. However, as long as everything is going well, the womb is still the best place for baby as he or she continues developing.
- Baby is still growing about an ounce (28 gm) a day.
- The lungs, liver, and brain are still developing.

How Big is Baby?
Baby is 19.13 inches long (48.6 cm)
(Measured from crown to heel)
Baby weighs 6.30lbs (2859 grams)
*Metrics above are estimates of baby at 37 weeks.

Your Developments
- Your body is beginning preparation for giving birth in a couple of weeks.
- Braxton Hicks (rehearsal/mock) contractions may become more frequent, the cervix begins to dilate, and the amniotic fluid starts to reduce in quantity.
- Your weight gain is slowing down now.
- You may also notice baby has dropped down into your pelvis (engaging/ lightening). This can occur 2 -4 weeks before the birth, especially for first time moms. It also often does not happen until labor starts – either way is normal.
- Hopefully baby’s head is facing head down, but if not, don’t worry – talk to your health care provider about options for helping baby turn.
Pregnancy To Do’s
- Your Estimated Due Date is still a little way off but many babies can come early so be prepared just in case.
- Pack your bag for hospital if you haven’t already.