Baby is the size of a
bunch of celery
Baby this Week
- Your baby is about six Pounds (2.7 kg) and twenty inches long.
- Baby is very close to being ready for life outside the womb.
- Most vital organs are matured.

How Big is Baby?
Baby is 18.66 inches long (47.4 cm)
(Measured from crown to heel)
Baby weighs 5.78lbs (2622 grams)
*Metrics above are estimates of baby at 36 weeks.

Your Developments
- Pelvic pain may become more apparent as baby gets heavier adding pressure to your joints as you walk and move around.
Pregnancy To Do’s
- Premature labor can be brought on by gum infections. Make sure you brush your teeth twice a day. Flossing is also a great option to protect your teeth and gums during the last weeks of pregnancy.

Can the baby come in this week? Because my wife is in labour at 36 weeks. The water has been dripping since morning but she doesn’t feel the urge to push – no pain in the vagina except waist pains.