Baby is the size of a
kabocha squash
Baby this Week
- Virtually the entire uterus is now occupied by the baby.
- This restricts baby’s activity.

How Big is Baby?
Baby is 18.19 inches long (46.2 cm)
(Measured from crown to heel)
Baby weighs 5.25lbs (2383 grams)
*Metrics above are estimates of baby at 35 weeks.

Your Developments
- Backaches are often caused by muscles and ligaments relaxing in preparation for the stretching required in delivery, and also by the added off-center weight of the enlarged uterus.
- The placenta is nearly 4 times as thick as it was 20 weeks ago, and weighs about 1 lb, 4 oz (570 gms).
Pregnancy To Do’s
- Back exercises, such as the ‘pelvic tilt’ can help strengthen back and abdomen muscles.
- Wear comfortable low heeled shoes or flats.
- Avoid heavy lifting.